Higher Ed: Lectures, Workshops, Classes

Nathan Rapoport, Monument to the Six Million, 1964, Philadelphia. This monument was one of the first public monuments to the Holocaust in the US.

For Colleges and Universities

Lectures may encapsulate specific chapters, with images and extra material that didn’t make it into the book, or they can take a theme from the book and put that theme into a wider context. For instance:

“From Warsaw to Philadelphia: Nathan Rapoport’s Public Monuments.” Traces the sculptor’s production from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Monument to America’s “first” public monument in the US.

“Learning from the Germans: How Countermonuments Can Help the US Solve the Civil War Monument Conundrum.” Countermonuments (public sculpture that are in dialogue with Nazi monuments and monumentality) might be a way for Americans to handle Civil War monuments.

“Art and the Environment: Andrew Goldsworthy’s Garden of Stones.” Analyzes the Scottish artist’s installation at the New York Museum of Jewish Heritage in terms of environmental art.

“East German Ideology in Public Memorials: A Case Study in the Representation of Women.” Investigates how East German changes in attitudes toward the modern art impacted Holocaust memory.

“A Case for Jewish Philanthropy: the Making of America’s ‘First’ Public Monument to the Holocaust.” The amazing story of how one man in Philadelphia brought together two very different Jewish communities to commission a Holocaust memorial.

“Theorizing Walking in Contemporary Art.” Places Peter Eisenman’s Berlin Holocaust Memory in the context of contemporary art that encourages perambulation.

Lectures: one-hour lectures followed by Q&A

Workshops: one to three-hour workshops with assigned reading and active learning

Classes: Visual Culture and the Holocaust; Holocaust Memorialization; Art and the Public Sphere; Art and the Environment 1960-Present

To book, contact ngoldman@natashagoldman.com